On a production line a component / product will be issued with a barcode. As the product progresses down the production line the barcode is scanned repeatedly. This allows the computer system to monitor the products progress, as it is assembled and quality checked. The assembled product is then ready for distribution. Barcodes are used to identify products in stores. They provide information to a computer system, which is used to track inventory, pricing, and other data. Barcodes are also used to track shipments, verify product authenticity, and manage returns. GS1 barcoding standards help businesses track products moving through the supply-chain. By encoding key information such as the product type, location, batch/lot number, and dates, businesses get a detailed breakdown of items moving through the supply-chain. Increase Warehouse Productivity: Since barcode scanners enable employees to process a greater number of orders faster than they could without them, they can increase staff's productivity by freeing up time for them to perform other tasks or fill more orders.